Promotal – Plateforme télémédecine pour une assistance médicale à distance
Promotal and NetDevices, a partnership to redefine the digital medical experience
Improving access to care with telemedicine

About us
Promotal is a key company in the Eloi Group. It has dominated the French medical furniture market since 1963. Its range of equipment is broad and diversified. It meets the needs of many healthcare professionals. Their customers include general practitioners, specialists, hospitals and clinics. Their major innovation has been the adoption of stainless steel in the manufacture of furniture. This choice has improved patient hygiene and safety. Their production site is located in Ernée, France. This guarantees the exceptional quality of their products. In 1983, they launched the first height-adjustable examination couch. Today, they offer complete solutions for equipping medical practices. Promotal continues to set the standard in its field.
Promotal asked NetDevices de participer à la croissance de sa platform existante. Celle-ci intègre des solutions de télémédecine pour apporter une assistance médicale à distance. Notre défi était de concevoir des applications web & mobile de télémédecine à la fois conviviales pour les utilisateurs et hautement sécurisées. Nous avons également été chargés de mettre en place un système d’intégration continue et de déploiement continu (CI/CD).

NetDevices has set up a simple simulator that will enable you to obtain
a cost estimate for your project.
Thanks to an effective combination of technologies Docker, React.js and Node.jsOur team developed secure and intuitive web & mobile telemedicine applications. Docker enabled efficient container management for the applications. In addition, React.js and Node.js offered outstanding performance for a first-rate user experience. In addition, our CI/CD system facilitates rapid updates and corrections, contributing to faster and more reliable delivery.
La collaboration entre NetDevices et Promotal a eu un impact majeur. En effet, le travail de l’agence a renforcé la position de Promotal en tant que leader dans le domaine médical. Grâce à l’implémentation de solutions de télémédecine, les cabinets médicaux équipés par Promotal sont devenus plus efficaces et accessibles. Les patients profitent maintenant de consultations à distance, améliorent ainsi la qualité des soins. L’adoption de la technologie Docker, React.js and Node.js a rendu les applications plus performantes et fiables. Ces avancées ont permis à Promotal de se différencier sur le marché. Elle continue donc de répondre de manière innovante aux besoins des professionnels de santé. En bref, l’intervention de NetDevices accompagne Promotal vers une nouvelle ère de l’examen médical.

Promotal's main objective in working with NetDevices was to integrate technological innovation into their existing solutions. The need to implement a CI/CD environment to improve productivity and reliability was paramount. The company also wanted to develop web-based telemedicine applications to meet new market demands.
The task was not an easy one. Several challenges had to be overcome, including the integration of modern technologies such as Docker, React.js and Node.js in a field as sensitive as healthcare. However, thanks to the expertise and perseverance of the NetDevices team, these obstacles were overcome, giving rise to efficient and reliable solutions tailored to the requirements of the medical world.