application made to measure


Here are just a few examples of customers satisfied with our expertise in the design and development of their mobile application projects:

In the digital world, the mobile phone has a predominant place. So if you want to be visible to your customers or prospects, you should turn toapplication . Indeed, 90% of the time spent on smartphone is spent on application. This is the reason why more and more companies are moving to create a mobile application . It would be a shame to miss out on this trend. And to help you do just that, there are NetDevices. Whether you want to present your products, develop your business or build customer loyalty, we have the solutions!

01. Think Mobile First: a must to boost your business!

Increasingly present mobile users

Today, web browsing is no longer done entirely behind a computer, but mainly on a mobile phone. With the development of smartphones, usage is changing. So much so that mobile use represents more than 60%. of internet browsing. And this figure is growing with the younger generation, where the mobile usage rate is close to 80%. 

This exponential growth is due to the convenience of the mobile. It is possible to connect everywhere: at the office, at home, in the metro, in a waiting room, etc. 

So if you want to reach your target audience through a digital presenceYou have to be mobile!

Good reasons to create a mobile application 

Create a application mobile will help you boost your business on several levels: 

Better positioning in the buying process 

Today, 25% of digital transactions are carried out by mobile. In this context, mobile use is mainly at the beginning of the purchasing process. That is to say, consumers first carry out their research via their smartphone. By developing a mobile application , you position yourself at the beginning of the customer journey. 

A new user experience 

Through the creation of mobile applications, it is the user experience that is improved. This can include geolocation, notifications, photos, browsing without internet access, etc. For example, Air France applications turn your mobile phone into a ticket to fly. 

A better conversion rate 

Consumers always have their mobile with them, so they can buy your products or services at any time. This facilitates impulse buying. By simplifying the e-commerce purchase path, mobile users are only a click away from taking action. 

Data collection 

The mobileapplication represents an additional source for collect data about your audience. This will allow you to know your target audience better, and therefore to respond more closely to their needs. This can be to improve your offers, but also your application mobile web or the overall user experience.

Are you planning aapplication project to showcase your products, stimulate growth or strengthen customer loyalty?

The NetDevices team is there to provide you with the right solutions.

Describe your project !

02. Creating a native mobile application or web app? What is the difference?

Application Native

A native application corresponds to a mobile application requiring a tDownloading on blinds (Google Play, Appstore). It can then be installed on smartphone or tablet. 

Native mobile applications naturally offer a high quality visual and audio experience. In addition, they can be used without an internet connection. 

However, they are more expensive and regular updates are required. In addition,application may only be available for certain types of device (Android or Ios). 

Progressive Web App

The progressive web app (PWA) is a website created exclusively for smartphonesand accessible via mobile browsers. For its design, we use programming languages (HTML5, CSS3 or Javascript). 

Be careful not to confuse it with a responsive design site. 

These web applications therefore have universal access, i.e. to all types of devices. However, the quality of the image depends on the quality of the connection. 

Depending on the needs of your company, aapplication mobile developer from NetDevices will use either of these solutions.

03. Develop a application mobile with NetDevices

NetDevices using the agility-based working methodsWe want our customers to be an integral part of the project development. To this end, you participate in the various test phases and we deliver the versions of the applications as they progress.

The first step is to define the ergonomics,UX and the graphics with you. For this, we set up a zoning with our UX/UI Designer and mock-ups on tools such as Justinmind or Sketch. 

After validation by you, we will proceed with the process of creating your application mobile. To this end, NetDevices has a team of professional and competent developers. They have mastered the various javascript frameworks, such as React Native, VueJS, Capacitor, Ionic, Angular, but also HTML and CSS. 

Throughout the project, we put your satisfaction first to create a customised application mobile. 

We offer you the possibility to simplify the management of the content and data of your application in an autonomous way via a dedicated back office.

Benefit from personal support when putting your applications in the "Stores". We will be able to publish your applications, but also to advise you for a better referencing of your applications on the stores.

NetDevices develops both with cross-platform tools and the most powerful frameworks (React Native, React JS, Angular, Ionic, Bootstrapetc) than in native.

Indeed, we have carried out SDKs for several clients and in the process gained expertise in the technical points of delivery and deployment.

We have apps with BLEs, the APIs external (Bluemix, Spotify, Google Drive, Calendar, Dropbox, Lindedin, Facebook, Google+....), local storage management (local, icloud, etc), online/offline management with incremental transfers, data security (local encrypted database, touch id).

Our technical experts love challenges! Let us take on yours! 

04. Call on NetDevices to create a mobile application

Are you ready to create application mobile to boost your business? It's time to contacter. Whether you need more information or a free quote, our team is at your disposal to answer all your questions.