big data


Here are a few examples of customers who are satisfied with our expertise in designing and developing their projects with Big Data solutions:

Our solutions Big Data : analyze your data to optimize your decision-making strategy

Do you have data and are you looking to create business value from it? NetDevices explains it all. One of our geeks decided to take a look at what we could do with it, how to bring value to the data.

big data

Résultat : Nous nous sommes ouverts sur de nouveaux marchés et le projet Data4Risk est né. Aujourd’hui, Big Data, projects in Machine Learning and Deep Learning no longer hold any secrets for us. It's time to use your data!

NetDevices has set up a simple simulator to give you a cost estimate for your project.

Big data, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, we take stock

Before we explain how to achieve good data management, let's review the basic principles of data science. 

Big data

On a global scale, 2.5 trillion bytes of data are produced every day. This includes messages, videos, documents, weather information, geolocation information, etc. 

The masses of data are huge and traditional tools (such as SQL server-based business intelligence platforms) are not able to process such large volumes of data. This is how Big Data came about. This concept is defined by the three V's: 

  • Volume: this is the amount of data stored.
  • Variety: this refers to the various sources of information (unstructured data, open source, etc.)
  • Velocity: this is the speed at which Big Data collects, creates and shares this data. 

Because of its importance, the big data architectures bring together a range of concepts. We can mention datalake, data warehouse, data-mining, data visualisation. The objective is to process a large amount of information. Whether it be for capture, search, sharing, storage, advanced analysis or presentation. 

Originally, the Big Data architecture was mainly used by tech companies and web giants (such as Facebook, Yahoo or Google) with a perfect command of different computer algorithms. But today, all companies, whatever their size and sector of activity, produce massive data. It is therefore necessary to exploit it! This is when NetDevices intervene. Thanks to our team of data scientists and data analysts, we can help you collect and use your data to carry out your business strategy. 

Machine Learning 

As a corollary to Big Data, Machine Learning exploits the data collected. To do this, it uses theartificial intelligence. Through self-learning, it is possible to identify repetitions, causal links, and thus to produce predictive analyses. 

Unlike traditional tools, Machine Learning is able to analyse large volumes of data, even the most complex (diversity of sources, lack of structuring, etc.). 

By combining Machine Learning and Big Data, we help companies to understand and anticipate consumer needs.

Deep Learning

Like Machine Learning, Deep Learning is also a tool for data analysis from artificial intelligence. It is about using the information collected to solve a problem and provide new solutions. 

Deep Learning can be translated as deep learning. It is therefore a more advanced system for data analysis. Indeed, it is based on the functioning of the human brain. 

Indeed, just like humans, the machine learns by itself in several stages. For example, detecting letters before identifying a word, then a sentence, etc. Progressively, Deep Learning makes the tasks more complex thanks to the experience acquired upstream. 

Pour mener à bien ces différents projets, il est primordial d’utiliser les solutions Big Data appropriées. Parmi les framework les plus utilisés, on retrouve Hadoop (sponsorisé par Apache), Spark, Flink ou encore Samza. 

Why use Big Data ?

Thanks to its mastery of new technologies and Big Data, NetDevices is able to help companies optimise data exploitation and thus facilitate informed decision-making. It should be noted that data storage and statistical analysis of data can be applied to all types of environment. 

Here are some possible uses of data management tools: 

Do you want to predict the different orders for your Uber business?

To do this, several parameters must be taken into account: weather, times, locations, planned and unplanned events, etc. By compiling these different elements, Big Data and Machine Learning allow you to anticipate the days and times of high attendance. Thanks to this predictive analysis, it is easier to organise your internal teams and provide a quality service to your users. 

Do you want to launch a new product?

By analysing the behaviour of your consumers, it is easier to develop products that will perfectly meet their needs. To do this, several resources are at your disposal: social networks, comments on your website or marketplace, customer feedback, cloud, .... These different sources of data can be analysed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your current products. The aim is to optimise the existing strengths in order to launch the new production and benefit from a non-negligible competitive advantage. 

Do you want to increase the productivity of your internal teams?

Here again, a wealth of information is available to you to boost your employees. For example, customer returns, delays, sick leave, performance indicators, etc. In this context, a better visualisation of the data allows you to improve the work of your employees. 

Do you want to improve the customer experience?

Just like for the launch of a new product, it is a question of collecting external data concerning customer satisfaction (social networks, website, Google Analytics, comments, satisfaction surveys, commercial feedback, etc.). Thanks to a solution Big Data, you have a visualization and a customer knowledge allowing you to meet the expectations of your prospects. 

Whatever your objective, all the data collected through Big Data are highly effective analysis tools to help you make the right decisions for your business strategy. 

So you're ready to use your data to its full potential? All you have to do is contact your digital agency NetDevices to exploit all your databases.