Why is it worth developing in fullstack javascript?

Through this article, NetDeviceshighlights the many advantages of full-stack development in JavaScriptThis means working on both the client side (frontend) and the server side (backend) using JavaScript.

Unified language :

 The use of JavaScript both on the server side (with environments such as Node.js) and client-side (in browsers) provides a unified language for web development. This means that developers don't need to learn several programming languages to create a complete application web site.

Code reuse : 

The code JavaScript can be shared between the server and the client, which facilitates code reuse and maintenance of theapplication.

For example, data models can be defined once and used on both server and client.

Rich ecosystem :

 JavaScript has a vast package libraryof frameworks and open source libraries that can speed up development. Whether you're developing server-side or client-side, there are plenty of resources at your disposal.

Shorter development time :

By using a single language and sharing code, JavaScript fullstack development can be more efficient and reduce the time needed to create a application.

Consistent user experience : 

By using JavaScript for client-side development, you can create a seamless user experience for your users, as the same language is used to manage user interface interaction and responsiveness.

Scalability :

JavaScript development environments, such as Node.js, are designed to be highly scalablewhich makes it possible to manage heavy server loads.

Active community :

JavaScript is one of the world's most popular programming languages, which translates into an active developer community. You can find numerous learning resources, discussion forums and open source libraries to help you with your JavaScript fullstack development.

Flexibility :

JavaScript is a versatile language which can be used to create a wide variety of applications, from from simple websites to complex web applicationsmobile applications with frameworks such as React Native JSand even desktop applications with technologies such as Electron.

In conclusion: 

At NetDevices , you'll have seen the advantages of using fullstack JavaScript development. However, it's important to note that JavaScript fullstack development is not the best solution for all types of projects. The choice of technology will depend on the specific needs of your project, your development skills, and technical constraints. There may be situations where other languages or frameworks are more appropriate.

Contact our experts to make the right choices and benefit from our experience!