How can I synchronize two Kubernetes clusters with Submariner?

Synchronizing several Kubernetes clusters is essential to guarantee high availability, resilience and load management. Submariner is an open source project that makes it easy to connect and synchronize multiple Kubernetes clusters. NetDevices explains cow can I synchronize two Kubernetes clusters with Submariner? 

A few tips:

Before you start, make sure you have the following items:

  • Two operational Kubernetes clusters: You need to have two Kubernetes clusters ready for interconnection.

In our first project with 2 clusters, we had a cluster at OVH in Roubaix and an OVH Strasbourg cluster. This allows us to compensate for a data center crash (fire or other).

  • Then install Submariner on each cluster, following the official Submariner documentation.

1. Submariner installation :

Submariner installation: Follow the Submariner installation instructions on each cluster. Make sure the clusters are accessible from one another on the network.

Follow the steps below to set up synchronization with Submariner : 

2. Submariner configuration :

After installation, configure Submariner by specifying the necessary information, such as IP addressesthe secret keysetc. This configuration enables Submariner to understand how to connect and communicate with other clusters.

3. Connectivity check :

Make sure that clusters can connect to each other by checking network connectivity. Use tools such as ping Or telnet to test connectivity between cluster IP addresses.

4. Multi-cluster application deployment :

Now that synchronization has been established, deploy your multi-cluster applications. Use tools such as Helm Or Kustomize to deploy applications across multiple clusters.

5. Monitoring and maintenance :

Monitor the status of the Submariner using the command line interface (CLI) or the dashboard. Perform regular maintenance to ensure proper synchronization.

In conclusion, the synchronization of two Kubernetes clusters with Submariner offers a robust solution for multi-cluster deployment. By following these steps, you can establish a reliable connection between your clusters and deploy applications that run seamlessly across the entire infrastructure.

Don't forget to consult the official documentation for Submariner for more detailed information and advanced scenarios.

We also managed the synchronized clusters behind a firewall.

If you have any questions or need help on any of these topics, please don't hesitate to contact us!