Open AI's ChatGPT: TAL intensifies with 11 Chrome extensions

NetDevices focuses on the rapidly expanding field of artificial intelligence (IA) generative. ChatGPT-3 (ChatGPT), a chatbot developed by OpenAI, is a perfect example. Accessible to the general public, chatGPT is 100 million users in just two monthsexceeding growth records for this type ofapplication. 

Microsoft has already integrated ChatGPT into several of its productsThis brings new opportunities and concerns in terms of data security and confidentiality.

The understanding and generation of natural language is improving at breakneck speed, raising concerns about the potential impact on jobs and academic assessment. Although the future of chatbots AI remains uncertain, their adoption is becoming widespread in many industries and institutions. Professionals and decision-makers alike need to adapt and react to this new technology, in order to take advantage of the benefits it offers.

Launch of ChatGPT-4

March 14, OpenAI unveils ChatGPT-4an AI chatbot that surpasses its predecessor in terms of natural language processing (NLP). 

This new version enables more human interaction and better language comprehension. ChatGPT-4 is able to respond to questions in a more appropriate and relevant way. The writing of texts and the creation of personalized content for businesses are also improved. Experts point to its enhanced problem-solving and reasoning capabilities. 

This evolution of AI chatbots opens up new perspectives in the field of NLP. This suggests a future where technology will transform our interactions with machines.

ChatGPT-4 is harder to fool

It has a better memory and is even more multilingual. In AI, the notion of "controllability" is fundamental, as it refers to the AI's ability to adapt its behavior according to the user's needs. In this area, ChatGPT-4 takes a quantum leap forward, offering more advanced native controllability than its predecessor, GPT-3-5 (ChatGPT). 

With this new feature, ChatGPT-4 can play different roles, from knowledgeable expert to friendly listener, and many more. 

Users also have the option of personalizing their experience by replacing the classic personality with fixed verbosity, tone and style with a personality that better suits their specific needs. This new feature therefore offers a more personalized, tailor-made user experience, adapted to individual preferences.

In addition, multimodal technology equips ChatGPT-4 to process images and text simultaneously, unlike previous versions which focused solely on text. In addition, it can explain images such as cartoons. It is also in the process of integrating the use of video. It has achieved human-level performance scores in professional and academic tests, significantly outperforming its predecessor.

The limits of OpenIA's ChatGPT

Like its big brother, ChatGPT-4 cannot reason about current events. In fact, its training is based on data from before 2021. This limitation is about to be resolved with the arrival of new plug-ins providing access to the latest known information. According to Open AI, there is also the problem of social prejudice and hallucinations (responses with erroneous information). These problems can be alleviated with the introduction of these plug-ins.

Unlike ChatGPT, ChatGPT-4 is not available free of charge. Users must subscribe to ChatGPT+ for a monthly fee of $24 (around €22). 

However, Bing users can access the "new Bing" free of charge, which enables enhanced interaction with the model.

In this way, Microsoft allows its users to choose between several personalities: creative, balanced or precise.

Google Chrome offers extensions to ChatGPT

ChatGPT, the original, with its strong potential, has a minimalist interface. Only a text field and a send button. This lacks functionality. For example: text-to-speech, an option to easily copy responses, a choice of writing style and tone.

Asapplication is still under development, improvements are planned for the near future. 

In the meantime, Chrome extensions are stepping in to fill the gap. Some extensions integrate ChatGPT functionalities directly into the browser. 

Here's a non-exhaustive list of Chrome extensions that might meet needs not met by OpenAI:
  • Merlin Get a ChatGPT response on any website by simply clicking Cmd + M. Works on Google, Gmail and over 10 million websites. It's free and privacy comes first.
  • ReaderGPT Generates a summary of any ChatGPT-readable web page with a single click.
  • Talk-to-ChatGPT ChatGPT: Talk to ChatGPT via your microphone and listen to its responses with a voice. It uses Google Chrome's speech recognition and text-to-speech technologies.
  • YoutubeDigest : Generates summaries for youtube videos using ChatGPT. The extension uses ChatGPT AI to summarize youtube videos. It's an excellent productivity tool for finding out the summary of a video before watching it to save time.
  • SuperpowerChatGPT ChatGPT with super powers! Synchronize history locally, search chat history, export all chats, pin messages and access thousands of prompts.
  • WebchatGPT ChatGPT: the free extension adds relevant web results to your ChatGPT prompts for more accurate and up-to-date conversations.
  • AIPRM for ChatGPT adds a list of 1,520 organized prompt templates (Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Software as a Service (SaaS) and more) to ChatGPT for easy access to ChatGPT's advanced AI capabilities.

And the last three:

  • Liner AI Chrome Optimized by ChatGPT, it also provides answers directly on the Google search results page, with references and suggested search terms for further exploration. It also highlights web content, blocks web ads and YouTube for a more enjoyable browsing experience.
  • ChatGPT for google provides easy access to ChatGPT's advanced AI capabilities from within the web browser, offering accurate and relevant answers in real time for a variety of tasks such as translation assistance, personalized chatbots or other AI-powered communication tools. The ChatGPT extension for search engines enables users to display ChatGPT responses directly on search results, as well as providing quick ideas for SEO, advertising, video content and blog.
  • ChatGPT Writer Write e-mails and entire messages with ChatGPT AI. Works on all sites. Privacy-friendly Chrome extension for generating emails and entire messages using ChatGPT AI. All sites are supported, with enhanced Gmail support. It works on all sites!


Despite the absence of an officialapplication for ChatGPT, "unofficial" alternatives exist on Mac, Windows and Linux. 

The ChatGPT-4 event is arousing curiosity as to how the tech giants will react. How will Google and Baidu (Chinese search engine) react to this AI breakthrough? The integration of multimodal capabilities and increased parameters could take ChatGPT to the next level, significantly impacting our society.