NetDevices has created an application linking
dentists and prosthetists.

"Dentaire Pro"application will revolutionize the relationship between dental technicians and dentists.

pro dental

About us

Dentaire Pro l'application which will revolutionize the relationship between dental technicians and dentists, is finally here. Designed to meet the specific needs of these healthcare professionals, application represents a major advance in dental prosthesis management. More than just a platform, it offers a truly integrated solution, combining practicality, efficiency and security.


This revolutionary application designed by Netdevices is much more than just a management tool.
It embodies a radical change in the way prosthetists and dentists interact and work together, delivering a smoother, more efficient and safer experience for everyone involved in the dental care chain.

NetDevices has set up a simple simulator that allows you to
get a cost estimate for your project.


Netdevices has developed a application that works on both web platforms, mobile and desktop while sharing a common code base is a complex challenge, but one that can be met thanks to the use of modern technologies such as Capacitor and React.

Capacitor is an open-source framework for creating cross-platform mobile applications using standard web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. By combining Capacitor with Reacta popular JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces, it is possible to develop a robust, high-performance application that can be deployed on a variety of platforms, including iOS, Android and web.

One of the main advantages of this approach is the reuse of source code across different platforms. By writing a single code base at React, developers can create a application that automatically adapts to different device types and screen resolutions. This saves development time and effort, while ensuring consistency and uniformity of user experience across all platforms.

What's more, by deployingapplication as a Progressive Web App (PWA), it is possible to offer users a web experience similar to that of a native application . The combination of Capacitor, React and deployment as a PWA therefore offers a powerful and versatile technical solution for multi-platform application development.


No more worries about lost cases or unexpected delays. application enables smooth, instant communication between prosthetist and dentist, eliminating the need for incessant phone calls or text messages. What's more, thanks to its notification system, it provides early warning of delays or schedule changes, ensuring better organization within the dental practice.



Nos développeurs ont été confrontés à plusieurs défis lors de la conception de l’application :

  1. Reproducing the interactive dental diagram: One of the main challenges was to reproduce the interactive dental diagram, where the user can select individual teeth to complete the patient's dental chart. This functionality required precise implementation to ensure a fluid and intuitive user experience. Developers had to find technical solutions to enable precise interaction with the dental diagram, while ensuring efficient integration with the rest ofapplication.
  2. Efficient adaptation between desktop and mobile screens: Another major challenge was to adapt efficiently to different screen sizes, moving from desktop to mobile screens. Using Capacitor/React technology, our developers worked on responsive design strategies to ensure an optimal user experience on all platforms.
  3. Creating complex adaptive tables: Finally, our developers were faced with the challenge of creating complex tables that would adapt to all screen sizes using only CSS style sheets. This task required a thorough understanding of CSS layout and flexibility concepts, as well as advanced web design skills. They had to find creative solutions to manage the layout of data in tables, while ensuring optimal readability and usability on all devices.

In overcoming these challenges, our developers have demonstrated their technical expertise and ability to create innovative, high-performance solutions. Their work has enabled us to deliver a complete and functional application .

Downloadapplication web and mobile

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