Node.js & Notifications pushs

Hello, my name is Kévin. I'm a Back office developer at Netdevices. I specialize in all aspects of back office software architecture and database management (storage, structure and management of information). Today's topic concerns notifications pushes and Node.js.

What are push notifications?

The notifications pushes refers to a system. This allows a smartphone to "communicate", to interact with a application. Thanks to this system, the device can take cognizance of an action. It comes from theapplication server. The user may or may not be the originator.

At NetDevices, we use Amazon SNS  (or Amazon Simple Notification Service). It's a push notification service.

How does it work?

When users connect to the server, they identify themselves (identity, company, workstation, device, etc.). The server then saves the device information on SNS. This enables it to receive notifications. Each time a new event occurs (e.g. new station, new anomaly, etc.), a "notification block" is sent to SNS. This block enables "translation". It identifies data to be processed byapplication mobile.

There's another scenario to consider. If smartphone disconnects, there is a system to inform it that it will no longer receive notifications.

What is Node.js?

Node.js (JavaScript) on the other hand is a development platform using the Javascript language.

This platform will act as an intermediary between the server and Javascript, which will allow the "machine" to understand this language and thus considerably facilitate the work of the developer.

Notification pushes and Node JS are technological innovations that help to expand the possibilities of application design.

Thanks to these elements, we have been able to adapt our services to the needs of our various clients, when we created a application for logistical assistance and bed management for Sysmedic or another for the Ile de France prefecture, as well as other projects for clients in sectors such as construction site management or ambulances.

NetDevices is a team of methodical project managers, geeky developers, integrators / web designers, all passionate about web development and new technologies. Do you have digital projects? We bring your ambitions to life and accompany you through the entire digital transformation process. With our Web2Mobile, Sharry (mobile market place) solutions, and our partnership with IBM, we know how to meet your needs from the simplest to the most complex.